Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week in review

Well this is more of a general week in review as I often don’t have the energy in the evenings to do anything except lay on the couch and watch Olympics. I don’t know what I will do without them.

Okay here are a few things that I will try to write about in my blog:
Reviews of books I read
Definitions of words I come across
Review of dining places

So we will start with the book I just finished - Mr. Norrel & Jonathon Strange by Susana Clark. I enjoyed this book. It was pretty long and I kind of had a more grand idea of how it should have ended but it was not enough to make me dislike the book. I know that is vague but I don’t want to spoil anything in my “review”. I liked how thorough she is in her explanations of characters, spells and myths. It is obvious that she completely thought these out to add depth to the story.

My next book is The Shipping News by Annie Proulx. Often I don’t read with the dictionary near but this book is different and leads me to the word of the Day… EXCORIATION
ex·co·ri·ate /ɪkˈskɔr iˌeɪt, -ˈskoʊr-/ Pronunciation Key -[ik-skawr-ee-eyt, -skohr-] –verb (used with object), -at·ed, -at·ing.
1. to denounce or berate severely; flay verbally: He was excoriated for his mistakes.
2. to strip off or remove the skin from: Her palms were excoriated by the hard labor of shoveling.

Food Establishment reviews: I haven’t really gone out anywhere special in the last week.
So for consistency’s sake, yesterday I went to Subway for lunch. I got a oven roasted chicken breast 6” on wheat. I asked for a little lite mayo. I don’t know if he wasn’t quite paying attention but he loaded it on - like gobs and gobs . So when I actually tried to remove some of it back at the office, I couldn’t really scrape it off without taking half of the lettuce as well. Needless to say, my sandwich was pretty good with all of that slathered mayo much to my surprise!

So this is long enough and I will try to figure out how to add pictures soon.


amy said...

Amy...Amy...Amy! Why not tell me you have a blog. Are you just going to blog stalk me? I miss you... and ALL the fun we had a lifetime ago. Are you on Facebook too? I saw your sister....Mel and her family. Your brother... oh my gosh.... so grown up and has his own family too. How are your parents? We need to see you... will you come visit Matt and I in Seattle? We would love it:) Im adding you to my blog roll.... :)

These Four Walls said...

Amy, you are so funny. I love your restaurant review.

These Four Walls said...

We don't have plans in September. We'd love to see you!