Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How long is too long?

My hair is longer then it ever has been in my life. Like past my bra strap. It has happened because i either don't have the time or the money to get it done. Also i guess that i don't actually have anyone to do it. I have had the worst luck here in AZ with hair stylists. The first salon that i went to every time i called to make an appointment the person that did it before was gone. So after 4 or 5 different times and people i decided that something must be wrong with the salon. I have tried different people with varying success. Truthfully i haven't liked any of them. Now i am sick of my hair. It always goes back in a pony tail and my previous highlights are now midway to my ears, a little grey showing - all in all not very nice. But i have mentioned to a few people that i want to chop it (with this length - chopping means a little past my shoulders) and people are adamant about me not cutting my hair. Yesterday i was inline at Starbucks (i am sometimes the gofer at work)and this women walked by and her hair was long - past her butt long. It didn't look that great. So i ask you - How long is too long?


amy said...

amy! show me a picture and ill tell :) No, I think it is too long when you are not doing anything with it. But.... I fall into the trap of pulling it up myself. You have really healthy thick hair.... Im sure it looks great. Just get it colored... a highlight and some layer....Maybe? Its good to hear from you :)

These Four Walls said...

I like your hair long, but I know how it is when you get to the point that you just want to shave your head!

Loren said...

Too long when you look like you should be wearing tight wranglers and poofy bangs to make the image complete. Don't worry, Amy...I don't think you are in any danger of fashion faux pas, you are much to cool for that! :) Plus, I rely on you to be my expert advisor in all areas fashion and style. You can't be waffly on me now!

Angie said...

I say, if you're sick of it then cut it. Shoulder length isn't that short and it will grow back if you're not crazy about it. It's just hair. You have nice hair, though as it is.

SavingSomeGreen said...

Hey Amy,
I answered your questions about Register Rewards as a comment on SavingSomeGreen. These are so awesome!


I also just sent you an e-mail about something. Let me know what you think.

Bluestripe55 said...

I will get a picture soon