Lots of lettuce for salads
Spinach- which wasn't too nice for salads but it cooked up nicely for a spinach, potato casserole
Broccoli that was a little past its prime, i didn't know that it had small yellow flowers - still good freshly steamed,
Purple Broccoli -good because i figured out when to pick it
Cauliflower-good steamed in milk and butter (a friend said this is how her mom cooked it and they loved it. It really just tasted steamed but good)
Carrots - they are very small but good
Strawberries - only a couple have grown but they are alright. I have to fight the birds for them
Tomatoes - I envisioned gobs of tomatoes sitting on the counter and canning them, freezing them, cooking with them but i guess since we only have 3 plants that is not going to happen. I have had a couple and they are pretty good.
Having a garden makes me miss my Grandma. She always had a huge amazing garden. Summers as i remember consisted of getting up at strange hours for irrigating, canning vast quantities of this, that, and everything, and eating great meals in the evening from what we picked that day. I remember doing these things but i never really paid attention to the details. Now when i look at my broccoli and wonder when it is ready to pick (i waited too long) i wish that i had my Grandma's vast knowledge and experience to rely on. I guess as it is with a lot of things, you don't really appreciate them until they are gone.
Behold- the garden.
Right on, look at those veggies. Purple broccoli is co cool i will have to look for some of that.
Nice work! It looks great!
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